The Professional Advisor is a professional partner to a Candidate Human Ecologist applying to become a registered Professional Human Ecologist. To be eligible for the Professional Advisor role a member must:
Be a registered Professional Human Ecologist or Professional Home Economist
Have a minimum of three (3) years of practice experience within the last ten years, and
Be willing to provide support, guidance and advice to the Candidate Member to achieve the required 1500 hours of practice experience.
The benefits for the advisor are the satisfaction of passing along what has been gained by a number of years of experience, development of skills in mentoring and contact with the fresh energy and enthusiasm that new graduates bring with them. The role of the Professional Advisor can be flexible and rewarding. The Registration Chair will assist in matching the Candidate and Professional Advisor. Together they identify the experiential needs of the graduate that are required to meet the objectives of the program. They then develop a professional plan for the Candidate experience. A Professional Advisor's guide has been created to help in this process and can be found here.
At the end of the training period, the Professional Advisor will prepare a written assessment of the Candidate's development as a professional person. Professional Advisors earn five professional development units (PDU's) towards AHEA's continuing competency program.