Our aim is to maintain high standards of professional ethics, practice and competence in human ecology and home economics in Alberta, by providing services to AHEA members which support their professional goal of improving the quality of life by helping individuals and families to make the best use of their resources.
Human ecologists and home economists advise, counsel, promote and teach in a variety of settings, depending on individual specialty areas. These include money management, consumer education, nutrition and foods, housing, clothing, textiles, family functioning, and human development.
The association has also passed resolutions and written letters to the government and university regarding areas of concern with respect to the well-being of individuals and families.
AHEA offers its members professional development and networking opportunities to celebrate our diverse interests and areas of expertise through regular workshops and conferences. Annual meetings are held to conduct the business of the association. A newsletter keeps members up to date with professional information. E-memos on various topics of interests are sent weekly to members. As well, branches hold several meetings each year to address topics of local interest and bring members together.
The Candidate Human Ecologist/Home Economist program provides new graduates with professional advisors as they gain the experience required to qualify as professionals. AHEA also supports students studying at the University of Alberta by offering membership in AHEA, and scholarships.