Membership Categories and Application Packages
AHEA provides a number of different membership categories. The following information can be used to best determine which membership level will suit your needs the best. You can either mail in all parts of your application to 404-9503 101 Avenue NW, Edmonton, AB, T5H 4R1, or you can start your application online. Registered Members
Click here to download the PHEc application Click here to download the PHEc Transfer application. Click here to download the Candidate application. Click here to download the Candidate moving to Professional application. *Note that when a Candidate member is ready to transfer to a Professional Human Ecologist, the fee payment is the difference. Non-Registered MembersA Non–Registered member is entitled to many of the benefits of membership including networking, information exchange, personal and professional growth, visibility and recognition; including scholarships, bursaries and other awards and honours. Non-registered members may not use the professional title or abbreviation PHEc but are allowed to work in the field. Non–Registered Members fall into four categories: Associate, Related, Affiliate or Student. Applicants must be of good character and reputation. Associate Member: Applicants for membership as an Associate Member must have a degree in Human Ecology or Home Economics but are unable to meet the educational or practice experience requirements, do not wish to apply for registration as a Professional or Candidate Member. An Associate Member may hold elective and appointive office, may serve on any committee except for the Registration, Practice Review and Discipline committees and has voting privileges on matters except those pertaining to registered professional members. An Associate Member may use the non-registered title human ecologist or home economist and is allowed to work in the field. Click here to download the Associate Member application Related Member: Applicants for membership as a Related Member must have a diploma in Human Ecology, Home Economics or related field granted by a college or school of technology after two years of successful study following secondary school education. A Related Member may not hold elective or appointive office but may serve on any committee except for the Registration, Practice Review and Discipline committees and has voting privileges on matters except those pertaining to registered professional members. This category of membership may not use any title or abbreviation of the Association. Click here to download the Related Member application Affiliate Member: Applicants for membership as an Affiliate Member must have a degree from a recognized university in a related field, and who by interest and activity are pursuing the objectives of the Association. An Affiliate member may not hold elective and appointive office, but may serve on any committee except for the Registration, Practice Review and Discipline committees and does not have voting privileges. An Affiliate member may not use any title or abbreviation of the Association. Click here to download the Affiliate Member application Student Member*: A Student Member is a person who is enrolled as an undergraduate or graduate student in Human Ecology, Nutrition and Food Science or Education, majoring in Human Ecology at the University of Alberta or other Canadian University. A Student Member may not use the professional title or designation, or hold elective and appointive office, does not have voting privileges, but may serve on a committee except for the Registration Committee, Practice Review Committee, and Discipline Committee. Click here to download the Student Member application * Note to graduating students about the Candidate Human Ecologist program: You may be eligible for registration in the Candidate Human Ecologist program as soon as official transcripts confirming your degree are available. When you have successfully completed this program, you will be a Professional Human Ecologist and will be entitled to use the PHEc designation. We suggest you become a Candidate Human Ecologist immediately after graduation, as it is not necessary to be employed at the time of your application. Candidate Human Ecologists have the support and encouragement of their Professional Advisor during their job search. Applicants to the program have 2 years to complete the required 1500 hours of practice (work/volunteer) experience, with the possibility for an extension if it is warranted. Benefits of AHEA Membership
Professional members | $150 |
Candidates |
$85 |
Associate | $120 |
Related | $120 |
Affiliate | $120 |
Student |
No Charge |
Note: membership fees drop to 1/2 price as of November 1st of each year.
If you are a new member, or a Candidate member moving to Professional, if you pay the next year's membership February - April, you receive 1-3 months 'free' membership.
If you are an international applicant please contact the AHEA registrar at
Late payment of annual fees is $25.